Friday, March 5, 2010

I Know, I Know

I have been a terrible blogger this week. I have only posted every other day and it's barely even worth it at 7:00 on a Friday. I mean, apparently nobody reads on the weekends, whether I write or not. But, anyway, I thought I would offer up my excuse.

This week, I have not blogged as I should because I've felt good.

I know how that sounds. Really, it's like calling in well. Only worse. It's like calling in well to a happy hour with your friends. And that sucks.

But, really. It's been so long. I've been tired this week. Croupy babies will do that to you. But otherwise, I've felt well. Fresh. I've felt like the blah alien left my body and I'm myself again.

The other night, I tripped The Husband out because I was in such a good mood. He kept waiting for some kind of news and the only news I had, was "Hey, I'm in a pretty good mood." Which is enough some days.

I've written. Not much, barely a paragraph, but it's the first non-blog writing I've done since failing at NaNoWriMo, and no, I failed at the 365 thing, but I've decided to wait until Spring has really sprung and start over.

It's weird to wake up and be normal and happy when you didn't even really know you were sick. I didn't know how bad I felt until I stopped feeling bad. I'm not sure what was wrong with me. Maybe this is a delayed reaction to my "cured" diagnosis. Maybe now in my thirties, I am suffering from SAD, like my mom. Maybe I was depressed. Maybe it was something else.

I don't quite know if I should just celebrate or if I should worry about it coming back.

In the meantime, here is the list of things I intend to do while I feel good:
  • Walk - a lot. I'm in training after all for 2011. I'm going to walk 60 miles for breast cancer. Totally.
  • Sing with the radio. Loud. Even while Brynna is screaming at me to stop. Who am I kidding, especially while Brynna is screaming at me to stop.
  • Drive with all the windows down.
  • Clean out my car.
  • Shop. Even if it's just on line and I close out the window before I order anything.
  • Bake.
  • Make lemonade. From concentrate. From powder. From lemons. I've frankly never met a lemonade I didn't like. Well, except for Crystal Light. Which is not lemonade so much as lemon flavored fake sugar water.
  • Dance. Around my living room.
  • Watch Dr. Who online.
  • And blog. Because, honestly, taking a break to feel good aside, I love it here. This place is my cyber home. You guys are my cyber family and there's no place like cyber home.


Suze said...

Yay! The new you. I think impending spring must be at least partially responsible.

Steve said...

Yes, it definitely sounds like Spring has sprung over there.

Today the sun was out and although the temperature never broke 5C (41F) and I got lost riding around woodland on my bike, I still enjoyed every minute of it.

Strangeite said...

Don't feel bad. I haven't written a real blog post since October.