Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Song that Makes Me Sad

I'm going to attempt to do this memey thing called 30 Days of Song. I will not post this every day, because oh-my-pants-I'm-bored-already. Instead I'll post once or twice a week, as I feel like. So there. I am unrepentantly stealing this from Jen O. at My Tornado Alley. She rocks. I'm not sure if she stole it from somewhere, but here we go. 

A Song that Makes Me Sad

The trouble with this one is that I really love sad music. Sad music makes me happy. Which means that it doesn't really make me sad. But whatever. There are lots of really great sad songs out there, but I think this is my favorite. "Anna Begins" is from Counting Crows album, August and Everything After, which was like a soundtrack to me in the 90's. And, let's face it, almost every song on the whole album holds a sense of sadness. And I love them all. But there's something about "Anna Begins" that has just always gotten under my skin. According to Adam Duritz, it's a song about falling in love when you never meant to, and I can see that.

But for me, the meaning of this song has always sort of moved and swayed with whatever was going on for me. Which is what makes it art (if you want me to get all philosophical about it), it's in the eye of the beholder.

Lyrics | Counting Crows lyrics - Anna Begins lyrics

Day 1 - Your Favorite Song - White Blank Page
Day 2 - Your Least Favorite Song - Barbie Girl
Day 3 -  A Song that Makes You Happy
Day 4 - A Song that Makes You Sad (today)
Day 5 - A Song that Reminds you of Someone
Day 6 - A Song that Reminds you of Somewhere
Day 7 - A Song that Reminds You of a Certain Event
Day 8 - A Song that You Know All the Words To
Day 9 - A Song that You Can Dance to
Day 10 - A Song that Makes you Fall Asleep
Day 11 - A Song from your Favorite Band
Day 12 - A Song from a band you Hate
Day 13 - A Song that is a Guilty Pleasure
Day 14 - A Song that No One Would Expect you to Love
Day 15 - A Song that Describes You
Day 16 - A Song that You Used to Love but Now Hate
Day 17 - A Song that You Hear Often on the Radio
Day 18 - A Song that You Wish You Heard on the Radio
Day 19 - A Song from your Favorite Album
Day 20 - A Song that You Listen to When You're Angry
Day 21 - A Song that you Listen to when You're Happy
Day 22 - A Song that you Listen to when You're Sad
Day 23 - A Song that you Want to Play at your Wedding
Day 24 - A Song that you Want to Play at your Funeral
Day 25 - A Song that Makes you Laugh
Day 26 - A Song that you Can Play on an Instrument
Day 27 - A Song that you Wish you Could Play
Day 28 - A Song that Makes you Feel Guilty
Day 29 - A Song from Your Childhood
Day 30 - Your Favorite Song at this Time Last Year

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