Monday, February 8, 2010

Empty Promises, Random Annoyance and WIMCB - Baby Edition

I just read about this thing called Project 365 where you take a picture every day for 365 days and it is good for your skillz or something. I am totally going to try to do this. It'll probably be a bigger fail than NaNoWriMo. Oh, what, I never mentioned that again... Well, no reason. Anyway, I love photography and I have a pretty nice point and shoot. I mean, I'd like dial-y things, but if you have to have a point and shoot, mine is the one to have. And I like to think I'm pretty good, but sometimes I'm not and I really only get one or two good pictures per hundred, so I'm hoping that this helps. Anyway, I plan to pepper this place with my results, so be prepared to be amazed by the mediocrity.

Anyone else irrationally annoyed by the SuperBowl ad for the Dodge Charger where the man lists all the things he does to "deserve" the car. Because it's a man's car. And he's soooo busy doing things like putting the seat down and sorting the recycling. Because it is really grating on me. Not just because it's misogyny at it's finest, but because, dude, what do you want, an award for being a decent human being? I'm so sick of men whining because they have to "help" with the kids or run errands or get up in the middle of the night or whatever. It's life. Suck it up and be, oh, I don't know, A MAN about it!

I've been annoyed lately at Blogger. Nothing serious, just little things. One of which is how hard it is to write ahead. I like to write a post when I think about it and then publish it when it fits. Last Tuesday or so, I wrote a Friday meme and then published it on Friday. It seemed to bury it back right behind Tuesday's post. I don't know how this showed up in readers, but I like it, and it angers me that it got buried. So, here's your Friday meme! Written Tuesday! Published Friday! Linked to Monday! Because there's nothing like stability!!

And now, with no further ado... What's in my Crochet Bag - Gender Worries Edition

Remember back in August, when I had to make a shower present and I didn't know the gender of the baby and I was "Woe is me! What shall I do? Are cherries girly?" (You know, I shouldn't re-read my stuff because I often want to smack myself.) Anyway, I decided that what I was going to do was find a nice gender neutral pattern and do a brown sweater and then add pink or blue when the baby was born. Except that I never got around to doing it and then the baby was born, so I'm covering her in pink and lavender. Because, whew, no more worries.

Anyway, I love the blanket! It's very lacy. Completely inappropriate for weather like we are having. Or really anything. But so pretty. I really had a nice time doing it too. It worked up fairly quickly. My only complaint is that the pattern wasn't very repetitive, so I had to keep going back to the book. I never got to the point where I could just work it and not go back for reference. The good part of that is that I didn't lose the book before I got to the edging. (Which I've never done, no, not me...) What I do like about it is that it looks good no matter what way you turn it. I also love the edging. I altered the pattern just slightly and didn't go up a needle size on the edging and I think it worked marvelously. It turned out nice, but really chunky compared to the fine gauge lace look of the blanket, which I like.

Here's the sweater. I really like it, although I'm always amused at the proportions of baby sweaters. Anyway, I do think this one is actually baby sized so that's good. Okay, yarn choices: Bernat Softee Baby in Pink Parade is the variagated. Again. The purple is Red Heart Soft Baby in lilac. Also, check out those buttons. I bought a couple of cards of these Beatrix Potter buttons in the fabric store with no idea what to put them on. I just couldn't skip out on them. I've lost one card, but these are just perfect. I didn't even have them when I made the sweater and they fit the holes perfectly. It's a match made in heaven.

(Click to enlarge. I hope)

Bonus - I learned a new trick thanks to Mr. Lady. So, the first person to notice my haircut my new trick and tell me in the comments wins a new scarf. Just ask Suze, it's very exciting. But you won't get it for a while. Because I'm just not that quick. But really, a new scarf. Someday.


Jen O. said...

I've never heard of that 365 thing, but I'm intrigued. I might have to join you in...joining in.

I was wondering where the meme went. Blogger must be drunk.

Joni said...

Errr, is it the strikeout your figured out? Or did you really get a cute new haircut???

I can tell you how to keep blogger from posting prewritten posts in the wrong order if you won't think I'm too much of a nerd for knowing... I just do this too, and it drove me CRAZY when my posts showed up in the order I wrote them instead of the order I published them. All you have to do is click on "Post Options" underneath the box where you write/edit the post. Options will drop down, and on the right-hand side you'll see boxes for "Post date and time." This is what determines the order your posts show up in on your blog. So just edit the post and change that to the current date and time when you are posting a prewritten blog, and it'll show up as the newest one. Another tip is that if you change this to a future date and time, it will automatically post them for you at that date/time, so you don't even have to get back on and do it. So you could write your meme today, but just put Friday's date in the box, and it will automatically post it for you on Friday. Ok, nerd scpiel complete.

Joni said...

I meant nerd spiel... Just got a little carried away at the end.

Jessi said...

Jen - I'm all about the company, but no comparisons, because I already know that you are a way better photographer than I am.

Joni - No the strikeout was a total red herring. I've done that before, but I usually don't bother because I don't like messing with my code. This is something else. And thanks bunches for telling me how to fix the post date. So simple, yet something I would never have looked at. Where were you while I was trying and failing with the blog facelift?

Joni said...

Hm. Is it click to enlarge, then? By the way, those buttons are REALLY CUTE! I'm glad I clicked to enlarge! :)

I know very little about remodeling on blogger - I've done it once with moderate success. So if you have questions, I can try to answer, but I doubt it.

Orlandel Creations said...

First of all a Dodge Charger is NOT a man's car!

I didn't see the Dodge Charger, but I can list the things I do to deserve a Charger if it will get me one. Of course, I've been trying to get one since 1971. I even married one, but I was never allowed to drive it and it left when the man who owned it did. Only thing I ever missed was the car.....

ann said...

Is it embedding the pictures?

Suze said...

I saw that infuriating Dodge Charger commercial last night when we were watching Caprica on Hulu (Jessi if you don't know about that show you would TOTALLY dig it btw). I couldn't believe that ad, though. Where do men get off saying stuff like "I'll put up with you and say yes when you want to hear it and for that I deserve this big car I want." I'm so sick of double standards.

Lovely baby things, btw. I should learn how to crochet sometime...

Jessi said...

Suze - It's probably something that's annoying me on other levels so the car commercial thing is just making it worse, but it's that sense of entitlement. "Look at me, I'm giving up stuff I want, I need a toy." Like that woman doesn't give up probably more to deal with him. If you were closer, I would totally trade with you and I could teach you to crochet and you could teach me to knit.

Mrs. A - Nope, I've done that before.

Orlandel - He wasn't worth the car.

Joni - Nope. Although, I may have to give you some kind of consolation prize for that because that is new for me, just not as new as the other thing.

I'm going to have to give you all a hint. It has to do with the links...

Joni said...

Ooooooooh! It's when text comes up when you hover over the link! That's cool - I don't even know how to do that! :)

Oh, and I totally hear you on the Charger commercial. As if he deserves a reward for treating his wife with consideration... When really he clearly isn't doing it with sincerity, so where's the value in that?? My husband pointed out how a LOT of the funniest Super Bowl commercials this year were anti-women in some respect... Hmm. Well, it is funny, but it's a sad statement about our society.

Joni said...

Ok, so I went back and read all the tags that you hid in the link hover text... You had me laughing out loud! I love it!

Jessi said...

Hooray for Joni! Let me know what color your favorite winter coat is and I'll try to make the scarf to coordinate!

I think that it's weird, considering how more and more of the sports entertainment market is women. You wouldn't have seen those ads five or ten years ago, but Fantasy Football has really increased the number of women watching sports, I think. At least, that's my theory on why jerseys now come in pink no matter what the team is.

Joni said...

YIPPEEEEE! My coat is black. My hat and gloves are cotton-candy pink. My favorite color is purple... Surprise me! :)