Well, we made it all the way through the 00's, without really figuring out what to call this decade. I'm actually waiting for VH1 to produce I Love the ??'s so I know definitively what to call this decade. Although, perhaps the ambiguity will finally kill this series that started out so cool and ended so pitifully.
Today, I celebrated the last day of 2009, by sleeping until 10. I'm serious. I just woke up. It's perhaps the best day of my life. And, it's about as exciting as it's gonna get around here.
So, last year, I offered up my New Year's Resolutions and a promise to keep you posted monthly, an accountability if you will. Then, I updated you once and dropped that almost as fast as I dropped my resolutions.
This year, I have a novel idea. I resolve not to spend a bunch of time feeling guilty when I can't keep my resolutions, or even remember what they were.
I resolve not to worry so much about changing my life when I kinda really am okay with my life.
I resolve to not stress so much about being perfect and better at everything to the point where I fail to be myself.
And also, I resolve to take the GRE, because old habits die hard.
I saw in a newspaper article online that those in the UK call this decade "the noughties". I thought that was really appropriate and clever double-entendre.
That is cool. My grandpa used to say things like, "Back in aught eight..." I guess that's the same type of deal.
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