Friday, June 15, 2012

Five Things on Friday - Travel Bucket List Edition

You know, I am a compulsive list maker, right? It's sort of the appeal behind the whole Five Things phenomenon. But the one list that I keep taking a crack at and failing is the bucket list. How can I possibly narrow down everything I want to do before I die into a list. Maybe 30 lists, which brings us to today's:

Five Places I Must Go Before I Die:
1. Fairy Pools of Skye - The Isle of Skye in Scotland is known for a lot of things, a very cool castle, lots of Gaelic history, and mostly, the Fairy Pools. Beautiful, crystal clear pools, waterfalls and the possibility of magic abound. Seriously, look at that. Who doesn't want to go there.

2. Iceland - I don't know why. It just sounds cool. Plus, black sand.

3. Australia/New Zealand - You know, people seem nice and I know people there. Sort of. Also, that one spot where they made Lord of the Rings. You know, the mountainy one.

4. Niagara Falls - I know, I know, "Dream Big." But I've always wanted to go.

5. Alaska - I think I may have mentioned this one before.

Where do you need to go before you kick it?


Cathy G. said...

Pearl Harbor.

Suze said...

My bucket list just became like yours because all those places look awesome.
Except Niagra Falls because I remember going as a kid. It's cool, but very crowded. I think I'd replace that one on the list with machu pichu in south america!